6 Ways To Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy | Reach First

6 Ways To Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

June 3, 2021

6 Ways To Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Instagram is becoming a central social media platform for marketing. Many consumers and advertisers now use Instagram to market their brand. According to various stats, more than 60 million photos are posted each day on this platform.

The Instagram market is highly competitive. It can be hard to develop a good Instagram marketing strategy, and can be significantly more difficult if you are new to the marketing world and don’t know how Instagram works.

With the right marketing strategy, you can make an influential brand. This blog post highlights and mentions some of Instagrams marketing strategies that actually work.

Switch To A Business Account

Switch To A Business Account

The first step you must take towards an effective Instagram marketing strategy is to switch your current account to a business account. You can do this by going to your ‘Settings’ and selecting the option that says “switch to professional profile” under the ‘Account’ option.

There are perks of having a business account. You can add links to your website or a Call To Action button on your profile that will help you connect with your customers instantly.

Furthermore, with a business account, you can publish Insta ads and check your posts impression rate and reach for each day.

Define Your Goals

Define Your Goals

This will help you define your daily marketing tasks. Marketing can have a different purpose for everybody; you must define your goals for which you are using your Instagram.

These purposes can include:

  • Improving online presence
  • Creating brand awareness
  • Work as an influencer
  • Get new leads
  • Sell products

You can also combine these goals, but you are less likely to get the results you want unless you know your goals.

Focus On The Impression Rate Of Your Page

Focus On The Impression Rate Of Your Page

Your page is the first thing people notice when they visit your Instagram profile. Communicate what you do and why you are on Instagram. Have a good profile picture, biography, and link to your website. For most brands, it is best if your logo is your Instagram profile picture.

There is a 150 characters max for an Instagram bio. Make sure to use those characters in an impressive way to attract people to follow your brand. Users will see these things first to get a better idea of your brand. Focus on your recent posts and keep the details short, concise, and professional.

Use Instagrams Free Tools

Use Instagrams Free Tools

Instagram has free tools that give you insights and analytics for your posts. Use these tools to calculate your Instagrams engagement rate. Instagrams insight tool categorizes the data according to age, gender, location, and its most active hours. You can use this information and post your next post accordingly to boost your engagement. The Instagram tool is not generalized, but it gives insights about each post on your page.

You can also use other effective Instagram tools by third parties, to boost your account’s performance.

Post On Instagram Daily

Post On Instagram Daily

Choosing to not post on your page daily, will not get you the required user engagement you desire. Ideally, you should post at least once a day to remain active. If you have more content you want to share, you can post it to your Instagram story. It is recommended to post 1.5 times daily. That makes up to 10-11 posts per week.

Write Compelling Captions

Write Compelling Captions

Instagram is not only about visuals. You also have to write great captions to keep your users engaged with your content. The length of an Instagram caption is 2,200 characters, and only the first two lines appear on the feed without tapping for more. Therefore, you must put the most important information in the first two lines. Your caption should be informative, entertaining, and relevant to your brand.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Instagram is dominating social media and providing free tools. Keeping an eye on the latest trends of Instagram marketing will improve your brands presence. Contact us today for more information on Instagram marketing strategies.

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