Tips to Create a Spot-on Facebook Ad Campaign

Tips to Create a Spot-on Facebook Ad Campaign

March 13, 2017


Facebook is a fair place where businesses with limited resources can try their luck with paid advertising. Social media giants, like Facebook, offer businesses an opportunity to start targeted ad campaigns quickly without spending too much money. Many advertisers struggle to set up a successful ad campaign on Facebook, even after so many attempts and modifications, they somehow couldn’t get the most out of it. Are you one of them? Let’s get it right. In this blog post, you will find some useful tips that will change the way you create Facebook Ads.

What are you looking to advertise?

Objectives behind advertising may vary from business to business. You need to link your ad to something. It could be your website, company blog, or even a facebook page. You can send your users to the desired location by linking the source of it.  After doing this, you need to set an advertising goal.

Importance of a visually appealing ad

Visual content is not only treated favorably by the Facebook algorithm but also liked and shared. Therefore, you need to design or use an image which is visually appealing and in accordance with recommended size. Visual content is better than that of written. Write your own headline, thumbnail, and description that fulfills your requirements.

Relevance is essential

Ads are meant to be designed for a targeted audience. They are not for everyone. You are spending money on the campaign, therefore, don’t create ads that are irrelevant to your audience. Your ad copy, image, and destination page should be for a specific group of people. For that, you need to be very clear about the demographics; age, gender, interests, location,  and preferences of your audience.

Value proposition and CTA

Why should visitors click on your ad? Value proposition tells the visitors why they should do what you want them to do. Use your creativity but be realistic about your offers and claims. Exaggerated facts are not gonna help. Call-to-actions guide visitors what to do next. So don’t forget to add a persuasive CTA. Creating a sense of urgency in your ad and CTA will make people respond quickly.  

Follow the progress

Now that you have created a good looking Facebook ad and made it live, it’s time to observe the performance. Facebook enables advertisers to track down performance metrics and charts so that they can improve the quality of their campaigns. If you think your ad is not performing well, you can always tweak the copy, visuals, and other elements.

One thing is for sure that Facebook ads can be made highly effective and profitable. Taking into account these valuable tips, you can get the most out of your Facebook ads.

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