Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends In 2022 | Reach First

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends In 2022

September 15, 2022


It would not be wrong to say that digital marketing, especially social media marketing, has become essential for all types of businesses that want to be successful and profitable for a long period of time. A professional digital marketing agency can help you implement the best digital marketing strategies.

A lot of people use a variety of social media platforms as a part of their daily lives. As a result, businesses get the chance to reach their target audience through social media networks. The opportunities to use social media are also increasing and evolving on a regular basis. Thus, these marketing strategies allow you to expand your reach.

Let’s discuss some of the top social media marketing trends in 2022.

The Rising Popularity Of TikTok


TikTok has become more popular than ever before. In September 2021, TikTok reported over 1 billion active monthly users. This number is rapidly growing. New businesses and even well-established organizations that want to reach people, especially a younger audience, must rely on TikTok for social media.

TikTok is also an ideal marketing platform for businesses that want to promote their products and services through short-form videos. There are various other options, such as running ads through business profiles on TikTok for marketing purposes.

Also Read: Tips For Social Media Marketing

Video Content


The importance of creating unique and engaging video content for social media cannot be understated. Long-form videos are not as popular as before. Therefore, all leading social media platforms are introducing short-form videos, such as TikTok, Facebook’s Reels, YouTube’s Shorts, and Instagram’s Reels.

Likewise, a lot of companies are also turning towards live-streaming to maximize engagement with their customers as it allows them to tell a story, thoroughly demonstrate a product, and promote various company events. The length of the marketing videos on social media should not exceed 1 minute.

Social Commerce


The trend of social commerce is picking up as more and more platforms are allowing companies to sell different products through their storefronts, such as Facebook and Instagram Shop.

It is critical for companies to start using social media to sell products as many consumers want to buy directly from social media instead of going to a separate e-commerce platform.

With the increasing popularity of metaverse, you can expect the trend of metaverse shopping to also become prominent in social media marketing strategies. Professional social media marketing and engagement services can help you keep up with all of these changing trends.

Influencer Marketing Is Here To Stay


Influencer marketing is nothing new, as it has been an integral part of digital marketing for a few years. However, a lot of companies and marketers assume that this trend will die with time.

In contrast, it is evident that influencer marketing is here to stay. It is not going anywhere. In fact, more people are relying on reviews from their favorite influencers to buy a certain product or service. Marketers are also finding influencer marketing to be highly effective in reaching people and making more sales.

LinkedIn is also offering influencer marketing in the form of its Creator Accelerator feature. The purpose of this feature is to help creators build large communities through which they can collaborate with businesses to promote and sell products.

Customer Services Is A Part Of Social Media Marketing


Gone are the days when social media marketing used to be a non-serious or informal way of reaching people. Nowadays, social media users expect all-in-one services from a business’s social media page.

For instance, if a clothing business has an Instagram account, it must be selling the products from the page, along with providing quick and reliable customer care services through the social media page.

If you expect users to go from your social media page to anywhere else, like your website to place an order or contact customer service, you will be making a huge mistake as it can cause you to lose some customers. Therefore, it is critical to establish your social media pages and accounts as an all-in-one platform to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

Modern tools and technologies allow you to speed up the process of ordering products and offer reliable customer service through an AI-based chatbot to answer customer queries quickly.

About Reach First

Reach First is a certified digital marketing agency in Edmonton. We provide a wide range of digital marketing services, including social media marketing, to ensure our clients are able to reach their target customers quickly and efficiently. Whether you want to get ranked higher on Google search results or want to run marketing campaigns, you can contact us to get the best digital marketing services.

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