Simple Tips To Build Brand Authority In Your Industry

Simple Tips To Build Brand Authority In Your Industry

October 22, 2018

Simple Tips To Build Brand Authority In Your Industry

Building authority for your brand can amplify the level of trust customers have in your business. It is the only way to turn your business into a go-to online resource. The right mix of digital marketing and brand building strategies will help you take your brand to its next growth level.

Brand authority is mostly about the trust a business has earned among customers. It reflects the degree to which you market your company’s expertise on different digital channels. An active online presence, compelling content, and engagement over social media are some of the major factors that influence brand authority.

Search engines now focus more on how consumers perceive things from a conventional marketing standpoint. Securing top positions in SERPs for a targeted keyword is important; however, it’s more important to adopt a more personalized approach and think more about the consumers and their preferences in order to build a sound web presence for your brand. Let’s take a look at these tips to jumpstart your brand authority online:

Use on-site content

Creating authoritative content in the form of blog posts can turn your brand into a credible source of information. On-site content is a great way to share valuable information and focus on your buyer’s pain points. Create informative and regular content which is written for humans and not just for search engines. This way you will keep your customers informed and active.

Adding a blog section to your website is a good idea to start an authority building campaign. A regularly updated blog with plenty of valuable information gives people a reason why they should visit your site over and over again. Exciting, informative and inspiring blog posts can help a brand stand out and drive relevant traffic to its website.

Update social media profiles regularly

Maintaining an active and healthy presence on relevant social media channels is an effective way to connect with potential business partners, customers and influencers. Social media allows you to share your knowledge and address criticism or questions as they arise. Inactive profiles on social media platforms are not going to work – an unattended profile speaks of nothing but failure. Therefore, create a meaningful and active presence on social media and update them regularly with engaging content.

Conduct insightful industry research

Marketers and businesses love to cite reputable brands in order to back their arguments. A business can get its name out there by conducting its own research which people can rely on and share. All you need is a sizeable sample pool and well-designed questions to conduct research. Findings should be presented in simple and easily-digestible format.

Host events

It is not economically viable for some brands to launch mega events. If your brand can’t pull off something this big, the solution is to sponsor popular events in the relevant field. Big events do offer paid sponsorships which allows businesses to get their name out there.

Gaining brand recognition is a time-consuming process which requires resources and a well-thought-out strategy. However, smart work can make things easier for you. There are other techniques to build brand authority online: influencer marketing, mobile app optimization, scalable link building, to name a few. You can start with creating on-site content, engaging social profiles, and participating in budget-friendly outdoor marketing activities such as being a part of an event.

Consult a dependable digital marketing agency if you are not sure where to start.

Who we are

Reach First is a rapidly growing digital marketing agency in Canada. We focus on helping brands grow exponentially using digital technologies. Our Advanced Marketing Program (AMP) is designed specifically to help businesses build authority online. Contact us to learn more about our services!

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