5 Common UX Design Mistakes And What to Do Instead

5 Common UX Design Mistakes And What to Do Instead

February 7, 2018

5 Common UX Design Mistakes And What to Do Instead

“What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional.” ― Cameron Moll

A UX web design is commonly defined as the process to develop a website or application which is usable, meaningful, and delightful to interact with. It is a wonderful technique to improve user satisfaction and loyalty. We understand how important it is for businesses to develop a user-centric website. A minor UX flaw can cost companies millions of dollars. Being a marketer or a business owner, your goal should be to continuously improve the experience that people have while interacting with your site and ensure that whatever you offer online is valuable, accessible, and engaging.

Your products or services might be the best in the market, but if your website UX is not up to the mark, it will become really difficult for you to retain online customers and avoid high bounce rate. With an objective to design an incredible digital experience for your audience, start with studying user behavior and common UX design mistakes. Following are some of the basic UX mistakes that you should avoid in order to develop a successful business website:

1. Lack of clarity

A UX design helps users find what they are interested in by simplifying various elements and information on a web page. Businesses want their sites to be visually appealing and innovative. However, you should think beyond visual appearance and focus on parts necessary to craft a design with clear and simple directions for users.

Your website probably has clarity issues if your users are not sure what will happen when an option is clicked. You had better change your approach if your audience expects your site to work one way, but it works in another resulting in higher bounce rate. Keep things simple and clear when designing a website.

2. Listening, not observing

Listening to users and reliance on what people say in surveys can be a mistake. What your users actually need and what they say they need can be two different things. People are often not sure what exactly they want; their point of view can be misleading. So, rather than listening to your audience, observe the way your audience interacts with your site. The process of observing and understanding users’ need can be time-consuming, however, helpful in developing a perfect UX design.

3. Complicated forms

Keeping too many fields in a form can kill the interest of a user. Whether it is a sign-up form or contact us form, people simply hate to fill complicated forms that make absolutely no sense. From a conversion perspective, your website should offer easy and quick solutions. Therefore, make sure the sign-up forms on your site contain only relevant and necessary fields. Eliminating all the unnecessary and complicated fields and steps from your the design can dramatically improve your conversion rate.

Related: Top 5 UX Trends Every Web Designer Should Know

4. Too much text

It is a mistake to overwhelm users with tons of information on a single web page. Your website should not look like a newspaper. 55% people spend fewer than 15 seconds actively on a web page. This fact makes it abundantly clear that most of the internet users do not read lengthy paragraphs on a web page. They just glance through the headings and focus on visuals. Therefore, try to convey your message using short text coupled with appealing visuals.

5. Non-responsive design

A business website unable to run efficiently across devices is a complete waste of time and resources. A responsive design means that a site can change layouts in accordance with the visitor’s screen resolution. We understand how crucial it is to cater the needs of mobile users. A responsive web design acts like a fluid display of information that readjust and rebuild itself, creating a customized user experience for people using different types of devices.

Related: Adaptive vs responsive web design

Other common mistakes

These 5 UX mistakes can badly affect the usability of your business website. While building a flawless user experience, also try to avoid the following common web design mistakes:

  • Ignoring visual hierarchy
  • Bad typography
  • Following the trends that don’t work
  • Lack of A/B testing
  • Slow page loading speed
  • Poor Call-To-Actions (CTAs)
  • Complex user interface

It is recommended to hire professional and reputable UX designers and digital marketing experts who can help you build a highly profitable web presence for your business. At Reach First, we have been helping businesses with their web design and development needs for years. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our marketing directors!

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