5 Reasons Why Blogging Should Be A Key Part of Your Content Strategy

5 Reasons Why Blogging Should Be A Key Part of Your Content Strategy

October 26, 2018

5 Reasons Why Blogging Should Be A Key Part of Your Content Strategy

Why should I invest in business blogging? With all the hype around visual content and video marketing, you might think that the era of blogging or text-based content is over. Many businesses fail to understand the significance of blogging as a marketing technique, which uses long-form content to achieve more online visibility.

When it comes to educating online consumers and supporting business growth, nothing is more powerful than business blogging. A business has a 434% chance of being ranked highly on search engines if they invest in blogging. Therefore, it should remain an essential part of your marketing strategy to communicate and reach your audience. Here are 5 reasons why you should place high value on your blog:

1. Blogging drives traffic

Do you want more website visitors? Blogging is one of the proven marketing tactics that can help you drive traffic to your site. Your blog is supposed to be a collection of relevant, valuable, and SEO-optimized blog posts that can support your search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns by driving quality traffic. If you want to achieve sustainable SEO results, make blogging an essential part of your SEO strategy.

2. Blogging generates inbound links

Inbound links are hyperlinks that go back to your site. They are the currency of the internet. In a competitive environment, inbound links become the lifeblood of your website. Blogging is an authentic way of receiving links from other reputable sites. The more you blog and provide reliable information, the higher the chances of getting high-quality backlinks which can dramatically boost your search rankings.

3. Blogging converts traffic into leads

Blogging not only drives traffic to your site but also converts that traffic into leads. Every blog post you create and share on your site is an opportunity to generate qualified leads. All you have to do is add a powerful and relevant call-to-action to every blog post. This is how you can convert website visitors into leads for your sales department.

Related: Don’t Give Up Blogging: Your Business Is Counting On It

4. Blogging helps build authority

Blogging is effective when you answer common questions your visitors could have. If your content is helpful for your target audience, your website will gradually build its authority. A good blog post can answer many questions for confused customers. Blogging efforts towards developing your brand as an authority can provide many long-term benefits.

5. Blogging produces sustainable results

A well-written, SEO-optimized blog post will keep driving website traffic and leads for years to come. Make sure your content is ranking in search engines. You can always update old content to keep it relevant and interesting.

53% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. Considering the long-term impact and benefits, blogging must be a key part of your content marketing strategy. If you are ready to supercharge your online marketing results, start blogging.

About us

Reach First is a well-established digital marketing agency in Canada. We offer our Advanced Marketing Program (AMP) which covers everything starting from branding and web development to content creation and conversion optimization. Contact us for more information!

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